Two Examples of Law Enforcement's Finest With a Badge to Harass

By DrunkyBrewster
This first obese nightmare kills me. Get a look at his electric mini cooper in the background. HE "CAIN'T" BE SERIOUS! I bet when this pig rides in that kart with the windows up it still sees more wind than a convertible. Take notice to how this grown man smacks the piss out of this little boy and then claims the skateboard for himself. How dare that kid participate in a physical activity that Officer Mini Cooper can't do.

Location: Baltimore Police Department

Their slogan: "I save lives every day. What do you do? Join the fight against crime"

This next protector of the community is only 22 years old but already shows the heart of a veteran officer.

Location: New York City Police Department (NYPD)

Their slogan: "New York's Finest"

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